Debunking Feeding Schedules & Trusting Our Intuition

In today's world of parenting, where advice comes from every direction, it's easy to lose sight of the innate wisdom that lies within us. We're bombarded with schedules, apps, books, and well-meaning advice, often overshadowing our own intuition as parents. But what if we took a step back from the noise and trusted our instincts once again?

Take for example the advice many parents are given to “feed your baby every two hours”. The origins of the two-hour feeding schedule, as quoted from Dream Babies: childcare advice from John Locke to Gina Ford by Christina Hardyment who researched parenting advice over the eras, trace back to the 18th century when Dr. William Cadogan penned advice for nurses at Coram's Foundling Hospital in London.

In a setting where caring for countless infants demanded structure, this schedule served its purpose. However, fast forward to the present day, and this regimented approach to feeding has become ingrained in modern parenting culture.

With the rise of hospital protocols, smartphone apps like Huckleberry, and bestselling books like Wonder Weeks, parents are inundated with information, often conflicting, about how to care for their babies.

While these resources can be valuable tools, they also contribute to the erosion of parental intuition. Instead of tuning into our instincts and responding to our babies' cues, we rely on external guidelines to dictate our every move.

But what if we dared to silence the noise and reconnect with our innate knowing?

Imagine a world where we trust our instincts, where we listen to the whispers of our intuition over the clamor of expert opinions. Picture the freedom of parenting without constantly second-guessing ourselves, without feeling pressured to adhere to someone else's timetable.

Returning to ourselves means embracing the messy, beautiful journey of parenthood without the need for validation from external sources. It means allowing ourselves the space to learn and grow alongside our children, navigating the twists and turns of their development with grace and resilience.

So, how do we reclaim our motherly instincts in a world drowning in advice? It starts by quieting the external noise and tuning into the wisdom that resides within us. It means recognising that we are the true experts on our own children, and that our intuition is a powerful guide worth trusting.

Let's dare to break free from the confines of schedules and expectations, and embrace the freedom of parenting on our own terms. By reconnecting with our instincts, we can forge a deeper bond with our children and cultivate a sense of confidence that no amount of outside advice can ever replace.

Want some help trusting your own intuition? Get in touch x


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